One of our very favourite designers is Amy Schimler. Amy designs for Robert Kaufman fabrics and her designs are simply delightful. Here at Funky Fabrix, we have a thing for quirky children's fabrics and Amy's designs hit the spot. They are bright, fun and funky and are perfect for home decor uses and super wearables for young and old.
We are excited to have the new range On a Whim 2 in store. Confections is also coming soon.

Here is a little more about Amy Schimler (via Robert Kaufman). We know you will love these fabrics as much as we do!
"Amy has been drawing and playing with color ever since she can remember. She has worked in many media, including paints, fabric dyes, metals, and ceramics. She is a decorative artist drawing her inspiration from the colors, textures and patterns she finds all around her in her everyday life. Busy city streets, graffiti, museum visits from her childhood in New York; ocean hues and tropical flora from her teen years in Miami; laughing ducks, basking turtles, and blue herons from her lakeside cottage where she now resides, have all informed her work. "
You will find Amy Schimler's fabrics