
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Funky Fabrix Who Are We - Post #1

Who are we?  We thought we would do a series about us - The Funky Fabrix Family!

There are 6 of us to be precise, 2 big Funky Fabrix people and 4 little ones (well some of them are not so little any more).

Our youngest member of the "team" is Hadley.  Hadley is almost 8 (although he will tell you almost 9 as 8 is apparently his unlucky number).  Hadley has been on the team since he was born.  In the early years he was often found crawling on the store floor or playing out the back.  In fact, Fabric was one of his very first words!

Our beautiful Hadley is now home schooled so sometimes still pops into the store and is often along side me as I answer emails and work on the website.  Some of you may have read the post I made not long after our boy was diagnosed with Aspergers (Autism Spectrum Disorder).   Well things have certainly changed since then.

Aspergers is not who Hadley is, it does not define him, but it is a part of him.  It does mean I get to home school him and spend almost every waking minute with him - and for that I am grateful!  He is a very funny, witty and intelligent little man.  He makes us all smile and laugh, every day and his brings so much immense love and joy in the FF family, that our hearts sing.  He has the most amazing memory, and it astounds us all, just how many facts are stored in his little brain - he teaches us all something new every day.  He does tell me he doesn't like to be so smart, because he does not want to be a Scientist when the grows up, he wants to be a singer!  He is a pure joy to teach, his thirst for knowledge is relentless.  He is also an old soul.  He enjoys listening to JJJ with his big sister, but also loves the oldies - Puff the Magic Dragon being a favorite.  He is also partial to a bit of Cat Stevens!  He loves history and used to say Rome was his favorite City in the World, that was til he went to London!

He adores Pandas, so whenever you see Panda fabric on the website, you will know who chose those!

This one is his current favorite and chosen by Hadley!  Here is the link if you like this one too!


If you pop in the store from time to time be sure to say hi to Hadley!  He even has his own school desk in the basement of the store - where all the packing and cutting takes place!  I might have to teach him to address envelopes very soon!  

If you are in Brisbane and would like more information on home schooling or would like to connect with others in the South East Qld area, I have started a lovely social group on Facebook and you are most welcome to join.  Just click here! 


  1. I have been following your blog for some time and would like to thank you so much for your inspiring words. Hadley seems like such a wonderful young man and fortunate to have such a beautiful, loving mother. My daughter too was recently diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and yet I couldn't imagine her any other way. She is kind, quirky and endearing and unlike any other child I have ever met. Like you said, Autism is simply a label and does not define in any way who or what they are. I too feel incredibly lucky to be the mother of both Charlotte and her sister Esme, and I thank the universe for them every day. So thank you again for your beautiful words, they have touched me deeply.

    Rachel (S.A.)

  2. Thank your lovely comments Rachel. Nice to meet a fellow Warrior Mum :) I have added your blog to our blog love board on Pinterest, that way I can follow you and your adventures. Once again thank you <3
