Here is a sneak peak of the new David Walker Oh Boy! range for Free Spirit Fabrics. We will have these fabrics listed next week and will be in store then too. These are just so cute!
Here is a little about David Walker
After starting his career as an Art Director in Kansas City, Mo, he now lives and works in Chapel Hill, NC where he illustrates a wide array of products including an ever growing list of children's books, greeting cards, and most recently... fabric! David paints his whimsical characters entirely by hand using acrylics on paper, bringing smiles to children and adults alike.
Having grown up hoping he would one day be an artist, the phrase, "be careful what you ask for, you just might get it" applies nicely to his life, and he couldn't be happier about that.
For more information about David and his work, please visit his website at davidwalkerstudios.com