Just a quick hello to keep you all up to date. I am a very very bad blogger. I think it has now been 3 months since my last blog!
I try to find the time, but with a 3 year old and 3 teenagers, a new store, ebay and our website http://www.funkyfabrixonline/ - well you can see why the postings and few and far between!
We visited the Victorian Quilt show last month and not only did we have a lovely 2 days without kids in tow, we ordered some gorgeous fabric - well not just some, but a lot of gorgeous fabric. Look out for new Amy Butler, Alexander Henry, Robert Kaufman, Moda, Japanese prints, Books, Patterns, Free Spirit, and more!
Some of these should start arriving soon, with the majority arriving in Feb or March.
Thank you to all our wonderful customers who have visited our new retail store. It is just wonderful to meet you all. We have had so many nice compliments about our store and are just so happy you all like it. We will be expanding the fabric fabric area between Christmas and New Year and adding lots more funky gifts and wares to our selections.
For thos of you who live in Brisbane, you can visit us at
Funky Fabrix
Shop 5/40 Blackwood St
Mitchelton, Qld
Mon to Fri 10am til 4pm & Sat 10am til 2pm
Here are a few piccies and a little article published in Image Magazine this month.
We look forward to meeting many more of you in the New Year and also expanding our online store.
Best wished to you all for the Christmas season and hoping you all enjoy and cherish special times with your families.
Shona and Jason